Supporting a Healthy Hong Kong: Joint Industry Seminar
On March 7, 2025, the Hong Kong Health Food Association and JD Health co-hosted the industry seminar titled “Supporting a Healthy Hong Kong: Creating a Healthy Future Together.” During the event, JD Health shared insights into its cross-border e-commerce business, highlighting how it leverages a robust logistics network and digital platform to bring high-quality health products from around the world to the Greater Bay Area market, providing consumers with a more convenient and safe shopping experience. GS1 introduced the critical…
Seminar on Cross-Border Trade Issues
On February 19, 2025, the Hong Kong Health Food Association, in collaboration with the Standing Committee Member of the Haitang District Committee of Sanya City, the Secretary of the Business Bureau, the Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association,The Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd, and Natural er, successfully held a seminar on “Cross-Border Trade Related Issues.” The seminar delved into the latest opportunities and support measures in the cross-border import industry. The Sanya Airport Customs provided detailed explanations of…
The 19th Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Health Food Association
The 19th Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Health Food Association was successfully held on November 19, 2024. President Mr. Ryan Tse, Vice President Ms. Vivien Chou, Mr. Terry Chiu, Ms. Nicole Leung, Treasurer Ms. Mandy Wong, Honorary Legal Advisor Lawyer Mr. Jesse Kwok, council members and members attended the meeting. The President, Chairmans of External Affairs, Internal Affairs, Strategic & Regulatory Committee and the Treasurer presented their annual reports and financial reports respectively, which were approved at the…